What is Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) ?
As the market for converting products as service increased, everything is available as a service. Many a time when you want to host your application or website online, you have to have your own hardware or buy hardware from the third party and host the website or application. But with the cloud, everything has changed.
Infrastructure as a Service ( IaaS ) is the lowest level of products on offer and involves cloud providers supplying bare infrastructure. This bare infrastructure includes middleware, network cables, CPUs, GPUs, RAP, Persistent Storage, Servers, Base Operating System Images like Debian Linux, CentOS, Windows, etc.
Some of the key providers of IaaS are Google Cloud Compute Engine, AWS Elastic Compute, and Microsoft Azure.
Many of these IaaS offer them as an instance of servers with the operating system that you choose before. And the base system will have a certain quantity of CPU, Hard Disk and RAM. Once you make the system up and running within minutes, you can add more CPU or Diskspace or RAM as and when required.
So Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) provides you the required cloud server infrastructure as and when required and provides you the flexibility to add resources on demand. The price you pay will be as per the usage and billed either by second, or minute or hourly or monthly.
Rhea is a leading cloud solution provider and an authorized reseller of the Google Cloud Platform that offers Infrastructure as a Service. Please do talk to one of our consultants if you are planning to migrate to cloud infrastructure.